Sunday Night Worship
Sunday Night Live is held on campus in the Smith Campus Ministries Center at 7:00 p.m. on Sunday nights during the semester.
Our Worship is a service by students, alums, and staff for students and young adults, created to serve both UNCG and Greensboro College students. Worship is organic and contemporary, blending historical liturgy and modern music elements. Communion is held each week. Worship forms the center of our faith community, but it also extends to relationships, prayer, fellowship, and service. Dress for the service is very casual, so please feel free to come in what feels most comfortable to you.
We believe that our community worship forms and defines us, centering our eyes on Christ. Here, we experience grace and empowerment to stand for what is just and love others wholeheartedly.
Come early and enjoy drinks, snacks, and desserts before the service starts.
Join us… wherever you are in your journey, regardless of spirituality, race, orientation, gender, or economic status, you are truly welcome and will be loved for the person you are.
Everyone belongs here.

Service Sponsors: Greensboro College Religious Life and Wesley-Luther Campus Ministries.