Light the Night
The annual event to mark World Suicide Awareness Day at UNC Greensboro
Light the Night 2024 will be held on September 10th. on College Ave. Luminary decorating will be available 11 am – 8 pm. The luminaries will be lit at 8 pm and our Vigil will be held at 8:30 pm.

Each September hundreds of Spartans gather to mark World Suicide Awareness Day at the annual Light the Night Vigil. Suicide has touched the lives of too many Spartan, and it is important to gather and remind ourselves and each other that each of our matters and each of us is seen and valued. Students and Staff decorate white bag with stories, prayers, memories, art, and words of hope. As the sun sets and darkness falls we light candles inside the white bag luminaries to shine those words and art, and share a reflection and moment of silence together as a Spartan community.
Recourses including the Wesley-Luther Staff, Counseling and Phycological Services, and the Dean of Students Office are here to help if you are in need.
The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You are not alone – anyone who is depressed, going through a hard time, needs to talk, or is thinking about suicide can access crisis services.
Dial 988 to speak to someone now.