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What to Expect at the Pantry

It is our goal to make the pantry as easy as possible to use. We know that it can be stressful and even scary to reach out for help, especially when you are already going through so much.

Using the SOP is a lot like going to the grocery store. You select your own food off shelves organized by type of food. We want you to be able to find things you enjoy eating and love to cook.

During your first trip to the SOP you will need to fill out a few forms which take about 10 minutes.

Should I use the Pantry?

The SOP is intended for students who are experiencing food or other basic needs insecurity. Food security means access at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life.

Food security includes:

  • The ready availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods.
  • Assured ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways (that is, without resorting to emergency food supplies, scavenging, stealing, or other coping strategies).

If you are struggling to pay rent, utilities, clothing or having to choose to skip meals because of cost than the SOP is for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of food will I find at the panty?

What type of food you will find at the pantry will vary each week, but you will always be able to find milk, and eggs, along with snacks and basics like rice, beans, and canned meats.

All food from the pantry is undamaged, in-date, grocery store-type foods. We keep a small rack of food beyond the marked “best by” date that the FDA still says is safe.

We always try to have frozen meals, frozen meats, and fresh fruits and vegetables available.

What other items can I find at the SOP?

The SOP always has toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, and menstrual hygiene items, and often has other basics.

Is there a cost to use the SOP?

No. The SOP is free for all staff, faculty, and students. You can return each week and get the food you need for the coming week.

Will people know that I use the SOP?

Your use of the SOP is entirely private. Any information we collect helps us better serve you and other students and will not be shared.

Click here for more information about the pantry, like location and hours.