Mental Health and Wellness

College student mental health is an important issue that needs to be addressed. Many students face stress, anxiety, and depression, and it’s crucial for colleges to provide adequate support and resources to help students maintain their mental well-being and overall health.

Depression rates among college students have been a growing concern in recent years. Research indicates that academic pressure, financial stress, social isolation, and the transition to independence contribute to heightened levels of depression in this population. Colleges must implement comprehensive mental health support services and create a culture that reduces stigma around seeking help, and religious life organization have a responsibility to be a part of supporting students and providing safe places for conversations about mental health.

Surveys demonstrate a growing mental health crisis among college students. According to the national 2023 Healthy Minds survey, 44 percent of students reported symptoms of depression, 37 percent said they experienced anxiety, and 15 percent said they were considering suicide.

Hosted Groups

In, Out and In Between

A place for LGBTQIAP+ people to explore the unique experiences, challenges, and strengths that come along with their identities. This group aims to help people of all gender identities, sexual orientations, and romantic orientations be their authentic selves. 

Tuesdays | 2:30 – 3:30
Smith Center | Room 214

Anxiety with Friends

Join us in this support space for students experiencing anxiety about school. relationships, work, homelife and more. 

Smith Center | Room 214

Free Expressions

Engage in art-based activity for self-expression, stress reduction, and emotional awareness. All art supplies are provided.  

Tuesdays | 3:00 – 4:30
Smith Center | Room 214

Eco Therapy

Join us for a workshop series on ecotherapy! Together we will explore opportunities to enhance our wellbeing and connections with nature. During this three part workshop series, we will learn what Ecotherapy is and practice some tools to do it on our own. We will explore indoor and outdoor approaches (such as walking to a campus outdoors Natural space).  

We will offer a variety of nature based tools and techniques. No experience necessary! All are welcome as we look for ways to enhance our wellbeing and our connections as a community and as part of our natural ecosystem.

Smith Center | Room 214