
An Easter Prayer

Christ is Risen.

Bless us in all the workings of our hands; may they serve you and be pleasing in your sight.  Blessed Lord, who gave your word for our learning; grant us the open hearts and ready ears to be touched by your grace.  Let grace rise in our hearts.

Let us love you with our whole heart, with all our minds and all our strength. Help to love our neighbors in your name. Give us faith to forgive all, to do charity and good work in your name. Bless us that all envy, harmfulness, and hate might die within us.   Let love rise in our hearts.

We give thanks for the feast of your Holy Communion, for the blessings of your sacred meal even when we are apart.  May your body and blood keep us steadfast in the knowledge of your love and mighty salvation for the children of your covenant, and the blessings of love from generation to generation.  Let thanksgiving rise in our hearts.

For families of all kinds, of birth and love, we pray to you, oh Lord.  Spirit of God, knit them together with your healing, peace, and encouragement.  Fill them with faith, virtue, patience, and goodness.  Open the doors of our hearts that our tables may grow, and we might call more of your children family.  For the Students, Staff, and Faculty of UNC Greensboro, we ask your blessing.   Keep them through these hard days.  Give them joy; let them be a light of kindness in our community.  Let a calling rise in our hearts.

For the poor, of heart and hand, and for those that have lost, we pray.  For those that suffer all manner of afflictions, we pray to you, oh loving Spirit.  May your peace and hope descend upon those who suffer, and may they find comfort in your loving arms.  Love is strong as death and floods cannot drown it. Let compassion rise in our hearts.

Allow us to rejoice in all things, bear witness always, and have tenderness for the oppressed.  May we become instruments of justice for the refugee, the immigrant, the prisoner, and all those who have no place to call home. Bless us to be the shelter for those who find none.  Let us speak the truth where it needs to be spoken. Allow us to cry for justice for those pushed aside because of who they love or how they were born. Let a longing for justice rise in our hearts.

Like our crucified and risen Lord, we pray that our Church might set on the path of hope, grace, and justice to the Kingdom of Heaven, we will start to build here today.  May the movements of the Spirit of Love rise in us like a melody. May they burst forth from our hearts to become a choir singing the song of hope. May we sing until the notes of peace and justice blankets this earth and is heard by all the precious children of God. Let love arise.

Christ is Risen indeed.

Know that though we may be separated by distance this Easter, we remain tied together in the love of God.



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