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Hope Amidst the Violence

I shared the following earlier this week as our campus gathered to send love, prayers and hope to the UNC Charlotte community —

The heart-breaking violence of this week has touched the lives of so many in the UNC Charlotte community and well beyond. The fear, sadness, and loss will be with many for some time to come. For some, their lives will be forever altered – marked and scared by this moment. Some of that hurt even reaches deep within our Spartan Community, in all the places and ways that UNC Charlotte weaves together with the friends and families here at UNC Greensboro.

But so too will it be remembered as a moment of strength and love. Darkness can not consume the light of a candle, and neither can hate and violence overcome love and community. Where there are those that are committed to creating a peaceful world – those committed to building a diverse and supportive community – those that are committed to seeing the beautiful humanity of each person – hate cannot win.

We also know that for many of us this wound is interwoven with the violence in California, Pennsylvania, Florida, Nevada, New Zealand, and so many other places. It sometimes seems like the world is on fire, and like a wave of hatred, fear of the other and bigotry will sweep us all away.

At times like this hope can seem far off. Yet, even now amidst the ashes, a new garden is beginning to grow. The love of those lost will continue to live in the beating hearts of those whose lives were touched by theirs. That joy and love will continue to spread.

For a time we will grieve. For a time we may be afraid. We will have to see and feel some of the brokenness of this world. Our thoughts and prayers will remain with the UNC Charlotte campus, and all those whose lives the gunshots rang through. That is especially so for the families and friends of Ellis and Riley, and Drew, Sean, Rami, Emily who now are fighting for their lives.

But the time of tears and shock will pass, and we must find the strength to fight for the type of community and world we that lays in the haze of our dreams. We must work to see each other, and care for one another.

Fred Rogers said, “Love isn’t a state of perfect caring. It is an active noun like “struggle.” To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is, right here and now.”

Deep within you, in the workings of elements born in the belies of long-gone stars, lies a unique, beautiful essence that is unlike any other. Each of you has a role to play in this life we share, to plant and nurture a love that will grow and transform this college, this city, this nation, and this world. As I look into your eyes, I see endless potential. I hope you understand that too – in yourself and in each other.

Even as hatred and violence seem to grow in our communities, our hope grows in equal measure. It grows because of you. It grows because you are helping shape this world until maybe one day we will need to tearfully gather in these places no more because love and peace will win the day.

Sadness may have these nights, but hope will rise in the morning.

May God presence be felt by all those touched by this tragedy.

In Peace,

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