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On Tuesday morning, I was working in my yard, doing some last cleanup and watering before heading to the mountains for our Annual Conference in Western North Carolina. My phone rang in my pocket, which startled me. It was my counselor Tamela. She was wondering how I was doing ― what I was thinking about […]

Books and Broccoli

Summer brings some much needed down time, even amidst Wesley-Luther’s still busy schedule.  That gives me an opportunity for reading, writing and taking on some personal growth goals. For two of these summer plans, I wanted to invite others to join me in, if they feel so led. The first is an invitation is to […]

Of Love and Legos

“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.” ― Søren Kierkegaard It is hard to explain how much my brother and I loved Legos as children.  Both of us had our difficulties as kids, but in our bedroom, with a sea of bright blocks the colors of our imaginations’ […]

My Own Noonday Demon

As long as I can remember, I have had days that I feel very thin – like my flesh is stretched to the point it could rip away and leave me bare and vulnerable.  Many days of my youth, and still sometimes as an adult, it has not felt like there is much of worth […]


In my last blog, I talked about the idea of “soft” scripture. That is a scripture that we hold very tightly to our hearts, but which has enough bend and softness so we would not use our beliefs to harm others directly or indirectly. Martin Luther described scripture to be like the cradle of Christ. […]

I’ll never drop my sword…

Historians have understood for some time now that warfare has driven much of the major advancements in technology though out the course of recorded human history. And, much of that development has allowed us to become more and more destructive to each other as a species. This might be the easiest to see in the […]

Chris Henson on Lent

It was my third time, I could now “officially” refer to myself as a “frequent flyer.”  I knew the intake nurse, could name a number of the security guards, and knew the full names of every nurse working the psychiatric wing at Baptist hospital.  More upsetting, was that not enough time had passed between now […]

There is no case against “Equality”

I regularly am asked by students to discuss articles or theological points that span many issues. On very rare occasions, I choose to write something to address these issues. When a group of students asked me to weigh in on a series of articles that recently had been presented to them, I thought that writing […]

“eternal hostility to poverty, racism, and militarism”

“Our only hope today lies in our ability to recapture the revolutionary spirit and go out into a sometimes hostile world declaring eternal hostility to poverty, racism, and militarism.” – Martin Luther King Jr. This December I had the privilege of traveling to the MLK National Historical Site in Atlanta, Georgia. It is a beautiful […]

Leelah Alcorn – Another Number

Another Number This Sunday Morning at 2:20am, hours before so many would rise to brew coffee, eat breakfast, and leave for worship at their local churches Leelah Alcorn, a 17-year-old transgender teen, stepped in front of Semitrailer about 4 miles from her home. This is her suicide note that appeared on tumbler hours after her […]