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Prepare the Way!

Prepare the way of the Lord!

It seems that every year Christmas decorations arrive earlier – carols on the radio, Santa in the mall, and Christmas sales now almost flood into stores as Halloween decorations make room.   But for us in the church it is not yet Christmas but rather the season of Advent.

Advent is a magnificent season in which we remember the cycles of our lives, and the hope to which we are called.  We remember what has been, what is and what will be.  We miss those who are gone, celebrate those who are in our lives now, and dream of what is come.   In Advent we celebrate a new beginning in the church year and prepare our hearts for the Christ child.  We prepare our hearts for God to be among us!

Too often in our world of instant gratification we forget that the greatest gifts require preparation and intention.  They deserve to be viewed as the precious gifts that they are.  The important reminder of Advent is that God’s answer to prayer is not always (in fact rarely) instant.  Rather God’s answer to his people is often “wait; prepare your hearts”.

Your faith, your lives, and your future are not static… they are a journey of transformation, made with others, and drawn by the hope of God.

May God bless you and your loved ones this Advent season.

In Christ,

Wesley-Luther Campus Ministries

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