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Peace and Pentecost

It is a strange thing when campus empties out for the summer.  There is some relief in the ending of the long days of the school year.  The student lounge has no voices in it, no people coming and going… a hush falls on the campus and on our ministry.  And we reflect, we look back across all that has happened.

There have been new friendships made and some lost.  Relationships have been born and some of us have lost people who we love.  There have been many times of laughter and joy, but also times of tears and sadness.

This Sunday is Pentecost, when we celebrate the coming of the Spirit and the change that she brings we as a people and a community.  With her coming our hearts are on fire in a new way, and a love that knits our lives together gives us passion and strength in the coming days no matter what they bring.  This was true for the first Christians and is is still true.  We can not know what life will bring from one day to the next but we do know that we can not be separated from the love of our God, the Sprit, and our heavenly family, our church.

It is not an accident that in our services we share the Peace of the Lord.  It is not a time of greeting or saying hello, it is something more than that.  It is a moment that we declare with the words of our risen Christ, I am here, we are here, He is here, and you may be a peace.  What ever may come you will never be alone, and you will always be loved, and be worthy of loving.

May God and the Spirit bring peace and passion to you this Pentecost.  May your heart burn for the love of your fellow people, and for Grace and Justice to flow like water.



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