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Books and Broccoli

Summer brings some much needed down time, even amidst Wesley-Luther’s still busy schedule.  That gives me an opportunity for reading, writing and taking on some personal growth goals. For two of these summer plans, I wanted to invite others to join me in, if they feel so led.
The first is an invitation is to join me in my conversion to vegetarianism.  While listening to the Ezra Klein show linked bellow, Bruce Friedrich’s arguments convinced me that my eating of commercial meat and eggs might be incompatible with both my hunger advocacy work and my faith.   After some further reading and studying, I have decided to switch to a mostly vegetarian diet, reducing my meat intake by 90% or more.  Want to join me?  If you would like to know more about why I made the choice I would be happy to chat over a cup of coffee.
The second is to join me in reading or re-reading some of the books on my summer reading list.  If any of the titles strike you as interesting I would love to chat about your thoughts on them as we both read them through this summer.
  • Dynamics of Faith – Paul Tillich
  • The Theology of Hope – Jurgen Moltmann
  • The Upside-Down Kingdom – Donald Kraybill
  • Letters and Papers from Prison – Dietrich Bonhoeffer
  • United – Cory Booker
  • The Church in the Power of the Spirit – Jurgen Moltmann
  • Leaving Church: A Memoir of Faith – Barbra Brown Taylor
  • Diet For a Small Planet – Frances Moore Lappe
  • Same-Sex Unions in Premodern Europe – John Boswell
  • The Illegitimacy of Jesus – Jane Schaberg

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